Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.
— Socrates
Incorporates an iphone along with real EEG wires connected to a brain to encourage us to compare the use of “smart technology” vs. the wisdom developed within the human brain through experience, knowledge and emotion. Is knowledge the same as wisdom?
Is knowledge the same as wisdom? Many people claim to be both knowledgeable and wise. Socrates believed he had enough knowledge to be sure he had no wisdom. Can computers wonder? We call the phones that connect us to the internet and cell towers “smart” and rely on them for certain kinds of knowledge, but we do not say they are “wise.” Who in your life would you call ‘wise’?
Large painting by Nashville artist Kristin Llamas of the human brain, iphone and EKG wires to ask the question “What is Wisdom?” This painting is part of the Socratic Dialogue Series created for solo exhibition at the Parthenon Museum in Nashville, TN