Socratic Dialogues Collection
Llamas’ paintings are beautiful minimalistic realism. She follows a linear creative process in the development of each idea, often culminating in witty unrelated objects filling the picture plane. The paintings become visual conundrums to be solved by the viewer.
– Susan Shockley, Museum Curator, Parthenon, Nashville, TN
Just as some 2400 years ago, in reference to current cultural issues and today’s social climate, we confront the same questions addressed in Plato’s Socratic dialogues. While serious discussions took place then, philosophical dialogues were often seen as a type of word game or source of entertainment, yet concrete philosophies evolved from those discussions. It is with these ideas in mind that artist Kristin Llamas and The Parthenon Museum in Nashville joined together for a new body of work. The big questions are asked in small group dialogues held throughout the city. In response to each dialogue, artist Kristin Llamas responds through large-scale paintings in a series titled the Socratic Dialogues.
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