There are a lot of things that we strive to teach our children. How to treat others, how best to spend their time and trying to instill in them a strong moral compass that will help them in making good decisions as they grow into adults. What’s the best way to do this?
While there isn’t any unanimous answer, Dr. Susan Goers strives to teach her students to exercise the key virtues identified by Socrates at a unique school in Utah. Offering her insight of more than 30 years as an educator we learn that a virtuous life leads to a beautiful and fulfilling path marked by courage and creativity.
In Utah, there is something special happening. There’s a school that teaches its students to exercise virtues such as truth and justice, to treat others with compassion and to create lasting friendships. The best part of it all? This school is free to the public.
Dr. Suzanne Goers runs Capstone Academy located in Utah, it’s a new concept for what a public school should deliver to it’s students and their parents. In fact, they don’t even refer to the young adults who attend it as students, they are called scholars which seems like a small switch but we learn that the idea of being a scholar is at the core of the schools values. Within its walls, the key virtues identified by Socrates are exercised daily not only in curriculum but in the mediation of problems among students and staff. In the episode Dr. Goers speaks on what it means to be virtuous in our modern world and helps to identify the idea of exercising responsibility over rights. Sharing insights from her 30+ years of experience as an educator we learn how to identify truth and how that leads to a more beautiful an fulfilling life not just for her scholars, but for parents as well. She addresses navigating the troubles created by technology addiction in the classroom and how virtuous principles help guide her students in dealing with common conflicts amongst themselves, their peers and the community oriented world we live in. More importantly, she gives us numerous examples of how these same virtues help her and her students persevere through difficult times. An episode packed with knowledge and helpful tips for any listener, we can all benefit from the ideas being utilized at Dr. Goers school. Don’t miss this one!
Visit Host Kristin Llamas at:
Websites: www.kllamas.com | www.llamasart.com
Instagram: @kllamasart @llamasartshow
Facebook: @kllamasart @llamasartshow
YouTube: Kllamas
FIND MY NEW BOOK ON BOOKSHELVES!: ¿Como te Llamas? Everyday Llamas You Might Know
Visit Guest Dr. Susan Goers at:
The School of Athens by Raphael. This was his interpretation of philosophy as a branch of knowledge. Showing a gathering of Greek philosophers engaged in various activities, 21 of them to be exact. And all men. However, if you pay attention, there is one female figure in the piece and it happens to be Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom.
Alfonso Llamas
Tell me… WHAT IS Virtue? Share your thoughts with me on your favorite social channels or visit kllamas.com to email me your thoughts and recommend guests! Subscribe, review & share!
There are a lot of things that we strive to teach our children. How to treat others, how best to spend their time and trying to instill in them a strong moral compass that will help them in making good decisions as they grow into adults. What’s the best way to do this?
While there isn’t any unanimous answer, Dr. Susan Goers strives to teach her students to exercise the key virtues identified by Socrates at a unique school in Utah. Offering her insight of more than 30 years as an educator we learn that a virtuous life leads to a beautiful and fulfilling path marked by courage and creativity.
In Utah, there is something special happening. There’s a school that teaches its students to exercise virtues such as truth and justice, to treat others with compassion and to create lasting friendships. The best part of it all? This school is free to the public.
Dr. Suzanne Goers runs Capstone Academy located in Utah, it’s a new concept for what a public school should deliver to it’s students and their parents. In fact, they don’t even refer to the young adults who attend it as students, they are called scholars which seems like a small switch but we learn that the idea of being a scholar is at the core of the schools values. Within its walls, the key virtues identified by Socrates are exercised daily not only in curriculum but in the mediation of problems among students and staff. In the episode Dr. Goers speaks on what it means to be virtuous in our modern world and helps to identify the idea of exercising responsibility over rights. Sharing insights from her 30+ years of experience as an educator we learn how to identify truth and how that leads to a more beautiful an fulfilling life not just for her scholars, but for parents as well. She addresses navigating the troubles created by technology addiction in the classroom and how virtuous principles help guide her students in dealing with common conflicts amongst themselves, their peers and the community oriented world we live in. More importantly, she gives us numerous examples of how these same virtues help her and her students persevere through difficult times. An episode packed with knowledge and helpful tips for any listener, we can all benefit from the ideas being utilized at Dr. Goers school. Don’t miss this one!
Visit Host Kristin Llamas at:
Websites: www.kllamas.com | www.llamasart.com
Instagram: @kllamasart @llamasartshow
Facebook: @kllamasart @llamasartshow
YouTube: Kllamas
FIND MY NEW BOOK ON BOOKSHELVES!: ¿Como te Llamas? Everyday Llamas You Might Know
Visit Guest Dr. Susan Goers at:
The School of Athens by Raphael. This was his interpretation of philosophy as a branch of knowledge. Showing a gathering of Greek philosophers engaged in various activities, 21 of them to be exact. And all men. However, if you pay attention, there is one female figure in the piece and it happens to be Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom.
Alfonso Llamas
Tell me… WHAT IS Virtue? Share your thoughts with me on your favorite social channels or visit kllamas.com to email me your thoughts and recommend guests! Subscribe, review & share!