There are a lot of things that we strive to teach our children.  How to treat others, how best to spend their time and trying to instill in them a strong moral compass that will help them in making good decisions as they grow into adults.  What’s the best way to do this?

While there isn’t any unanimous answer, Dr. Susan Goers strives to teach her students to exercise the key virtues identified by Socrates at a unique school in Utah.  Offering her insight of more than 30 years as an educator we learn that a virtuous life leads to a beautiful and fulfilling path marked by courage and creativity.

This week on the Socratic Dialogues, Kristin sits down with Sylvia Matiko to discuss ‘What is Empathy’? Stay tuned in and listen to how the world is facing an empathy deficit. Learn what this means for society, and how we as individuals can develop ways to listen and find understanding to show more empathy to others. Don’t miss out on this compelling discussion.